7 Mar

Windows 8 Tinkering

Category:General PostTag: :

I have been running Windows 8 Consumer Preview since it dropped, and I was running the Developer Preview before that. I was doing this on the metal of my X220T Lenovo. I gotta say, I dig it. I am not going into individual features or anything like that yet. Just sayin, I dig it. The […]

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2 Mar

Multi-cell editing with the XamDataGrid

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , , :

Have you ever had the need to edit multiple cells with the same value?  Well if you have, then this post is for you.  I was cruising through the Infragistics forums today and saw a question about implementing multi-cell editing in the XamDataGrid.  It was an old post, but a solution immediately popped into my […]

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2 Mar

A NancyFx Content-Negotiation Extension

You have probably already heard about Nancy, the web framework created by Elegant Code?s own Andreas H?kansson. Andreas and Steven Robbins, custodians of the Super-Duper-Happy-Path, have coordinated the evolution of the framework that I have come to very-much appreciate. My coworkers and I have been working on a new API for our products, and Nancy […]

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