
A software blog

7 Sep

David Starr on Herding Code

Category:General PostTag: :

I was recently fortunate enough to be included in a Herding Code episode. The subject matter sort of rambled, as some Herding Code episodes tend to do, but that’s the attraction! We touched a lot of ground and I really appreciate the show. It’s nice to be a guest on a show I listen to […]

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25 Aug

New MSDN Scrum Articles by Me

Category:General PostTag: :

I wrote some articles on Scrum and agile for MSDN recently. The articles are now live and I hope they prove useful for you. Thanks to Gregg Boer for the opportunity to get these released on MSDN! The Lean of Scrum Inspect the inherent Lean qualities of the Scrum framework along with various ways to […]

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23 Aug

.NET 4.5 : Operation could destabilize the runtime (yikes!)

Update: Microsoft has since posted an update to .NET Framework 4.5 which resolves this issue. For more information, please visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2748645 The other week I got around to installing Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 RTM bits on my machine – thought it was about time that I made the switch. Though after the installation […]

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30 Jul

I am Joining the Microsoft Visual Studio ALM Team

I am delighted to announce I am joining Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager in Visual Studio ALM. This comes after long discussions with many great thinkers at Microsoft about the future of agility, software development, and the tooling that can best support it. I am honored to have been selected to join the Visual […]

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24 Jul


Category:UncategorizedTag: :

The last couple of weeks I?ve been playing with a load testing tool called Blitz. You can create a free account which provides you the ability to ?rush? your web application with 250 concurrent users (or less) for 1 minute. And of course, you can increase both the number of concurrent users as well as […]

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