29 Jul

Code Cast 10 – Richard Hundhausen on VSTS

Richard Hundhausen is President of Accentient, a training and consulting company specializing in MS Team System. Additionally, Rich is a published author, a MS MVP in Team System, and a Microsoft Regional Director. In other words, wow. This guy knows Team System and the industry. Richard has a very popular talk that he has done […]

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16 Jun

Code Cast 9 – Ward Bell on ORM

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Ward Bell, VP of Product Management for IdeaBlade, talked to me at TechEd about DevForce, his company’s ORM product for .Net developers. It didn’t stop there. Ward dropped knowledge on??several other things including: Entity Framework Silverlight Designing for Testability Data access for RIAs and of course, qualities of Elegant Code. Download the episode MP3

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13 May

Code Cast 8 – Jarod Ferguson

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This week’s Code Cast is a great discussion with Jarod Ferguson, an Elegant Coder who takes us through several topics including: Scrum The Seattle Alt.Net conference Open Spaces The Entity Framework The Web Client Software Factory and plenty more. Jarod has more brains in his pinky than I have in my family tree and I […]

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2 May

Code Cast 7 – Mike Moore and Darrel Carver

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In this episode of the Elegant Code Cast, we talk with Mike Moore of the Rubiverse podcast and Darrel Carver, our last guest. Mike listened to Darrel’s interview and had some views of his own on the state of software development. This discussion focuses primarily on the familiar question of programming as an art or […]

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15 Mar

Code Cast 5 – Matt Milner

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This week’s Elegant Code Cast is an interview with Matt Milner of PluralSight and MSDN Magazine. Matt is an amazing presenter and fount of knowledge on WCF, WF, and BizTalk. He drops some great knowledge on these subjects and enterprise SOA, along with some discussion of Oslo, Microsoft’s new Model Driven initiative. PluralSight Matt’s Blog […]

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2 Mar

Code Cast 4 – Scott Nichols

Today’s interview with an Elegant Coder is with Scott Nichols, a solution architect with many years experience in very large IT organizations. Scott shares his wisdom on several subjects including: The role of prescribed architectures and different kinds of architects A look into large systems and companies and scaling development into the hundreds of developers […]

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