3 Jan

Unity/Moq – AutoMocker or AutoMockingContainer

What is an Auto Mocking Container? This post started to get a little long, so I won?t re-explain the concept. Joshua Flanagan wrote a nice overview at his Los Techies blog: Auto mocking Explained. My post is mainly here to describe the Unity version of an automocking container I threw together. In Jan 2009 I […]

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24 Dec

If (Successful) { throw new Exception(); }

So, I was installing Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta 2 on one of my machines the other day and the funniest thing happened.  After it successfully installed, I was prompted to send an error report. Since when is a successful operation a problem?  Now, of course, I am assuming this is intentional and is transmitting […]

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10 Dec

StatLight – Goes Open Source

Although I made a very minor attempt at making StatLight a “for-sale” product, I knew when I started that open-source was most likely going to be my long term path for StatLight. What is it? (Silverlight Testing Automation Tool) StatLight is a tool developed for automating the setup, running, and gathering results of Silverlight unit […]

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28 Nov

Database Change Management with Tarantino

Seeing as how I have not graced these pages with my presence in quite some time. I figured I better get something going. A little while back my team started working with some outside contractors and our make shift way of keeping changes in sync and under control was simply not cutting the mustard. Why […]

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8 Dec

Tool List 2008

I recently received the opportunity to reinstall my operating system on my work laptop.  Good times, completely hosed.  So I thought I would take a moment to document what went back onto my laptop after the format and reinstall.  Essentially, this is my productivity tools list. Operating system Windows Vista.  I’ll take some flack for […]

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