29 Oct

Code Cast 33 – Jimmy Bogard on AutoMapper

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AutoMapper is one those tools tools that seems to be gaining in popularity lately, generating a lot of talk on the web and at user groups.  Seemed like a good idea to talk with its creator, Jimmy Bogard, and get the run-down on it. In this code case we have Elegant Coders Chris Brandsma and […]

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29 Oct

On Software, Sewing, and the Craftsman

My wife, Eleanor, runs a small side business making some extraordinary things with needles, thread, and cloth. She makes quilts, dresses, stuffed animals, clothes, and reupholsters furniture to round it off. She’s been honing her skills, trying new things, and improving her craftsmanship for many years. She’s very good and has some faithful clients. Recently, […]

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28 Oct

"Can not find Respack" error when running a Moonlight project

I recently upgraded to MonoDevelop 2.2 Beta 2 (for the debugging capability, more on that later) on my Mac. When I opened a Moonlight solution and tried to run it, I got the following error: Could not find respack The project had lost its references to System.Windows and System.Windows.Browser. The cause turned out to be […]

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26 Oct

Playing with JQuery Validation Library, Part 2

Background: JQuery Validator is JQuery plug-in for validating html form fields.  Microsoft has included the JQuery Validator as part of Microsoft?s new CDN, and it looks like JQuery and JQuery Validator will both be included with Asp.Net MVC 2.  You can find Part 1 here. From where we left off, the next thing to do […]

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25 Oct

Integration Test Brought to you by Powershell & NUnit – with a Little Specification Syntax for Flavoring

One of the tools I?ve used the last half of a year and really enjoyed is the C# specification extension methods when writing unit test assertions. If you?re looking for a little more background on the topic, I wrote about Fluent Specification Extensions in a past blog. Recently I wanted to execute a PowerShell script […]

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