29 Apr

Scrum and the C-Word

There has been much deriding of both Scrum and the word ?certification? in the past few months. It has become quite vogue to look down on formal training of any kind it seems, particularly among the ALT.NETerati. I get it, and I think several of the criticisms are deserved. Some aren?t. Disclosure I am a […]

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25 Apr

If Self-Documenting Code is the What, Unit Tests are the Why

It is not enough to just write code that is clean and self-documenting.? Eliminating comments and replacing them with clear variable and method names, will tell the reader of your code clearly what it is doing, but it will not properly express why it is doing it. If you recall from my original post on […]

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16 Apr

Linfu Duck Typing Part 1 – Revealing Secrets

Don?t you just hate it when a class in the .NET Framework or another third-party library or framework provides that particular feature you?re looking for only to realize that this class has not been made accessible? One blatant example of this is the SqlCommandSet class in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace. One can use reflection in order […]

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11 Apr

Pluralcast 13 : Women in Technology

  Listen to this episode! [41:37] In this episode, I visited with several women who shared their stories of simply being women in our field. Meagon Marshall Meagon Marshall is the Director of Marketing for Pluralsight. Meagon focuses on market strategy & execution, public relations, community & partner building to evangelize Pluralsight training within the […]

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9 Apr

Book Review: ASP.NET MVC in Action

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Earlier this week I finished reading ASP.NET MVC in Action written by Jeffrey Palermo, Ben Scheirman and Jimmy Bogard.  I came across several good reviews about this book so I finally decided to give a read.  This book is not just about the API?s of the ASP.NET MVC framework but also about good design principles […]

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