2 Jul

EQATEC Profiler and .net cf Profiling (and regular .net)

.net Compact Framework is known for missing several ?features? that regular .net developers take for granted.  One if the ready availability of profilers.  dotTrace, ANTS Performance Profiler, Team Systems Profiler (check out Visual Studio 2010 version of this?much better).  There are other profilers out there, but those are the three I am most familiar with. […]

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1 Jul

JQuery: Playing with Select (DropDownList/ComboBox)

Why oh why did the HTML overlords call their Combo Box/DropDownList a SELECT?  Then call the items in the list OPTIONS?  It isn’t like there weren’t a plethora of other names for the widget.  Then it could have been consistent anyway. Oh well. It seams that each time I start a new project I have […]

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24 Jun

Repost: Watch out for SQL Server Parameter Sniffing

I posted on this about a year ago.  I am reposting this as a Public Service Announcement (otherwise known as a PSA). Do you have a stored procedure where the amount of data returned can vary wildly depending on what parameters are passed in?  Does performance change dramatically depending on how much data is being […]

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19 Jun

Refactoring XmlWriter

Category:UncategorizedTag: :14 Comments on Refactoring XmlWriter

I inherited some code that make heavy use of XmlWriter.  Say what you will about XmlWriter, it works, but the code using it can be ugly, hard to read, and hard to figure out where you went wrong.  Case in point, there were numerous errors in the code that went unfound by the unit test, […]

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