7 Sep

Life With My Geek – The iPhone

Category:General PostTag: :

My geek asked me to help him with a seemingly simple task.  “Will you help me get a new cell phone?”  Seems simple enough.  Fairly straight forward.  How hard could it be?  An hour at the cell phone shop, sign a few papers, hand over the credit card, and ta-da!, you’ve got a new phone. […]

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5 Sep

BSDG Meeting post mortem

Last night we had a nice turnout (a bit small, but that just makes things cozy…right?) Topics discussed: WPF’ing in WinForms     *dealing with namespace collisions    *loading Xaml via code    *load/save with XamlWriter and XamlReader    *InkCanvas control for free hand drawing    *Images in WPF and persistence issues with XamlWriter JQuery : […]

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