11 Feb

Boise Code Camp 2.0 in the Bag

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The second annual Boise Code Camp went off with very few hitches yesterday.  As part of the organizing crew, I would very much like to thank this year’s Camp Director, Chris Brandsma for getting us all going. Most importantly I want to thank this year’s presenters and attendees.  It was another great camp! I have […]

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4 Feb

Treo 700w

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About one year ago, I began using a Black Berry as my primary cell phone.  I fell in love with always having my calendar and email at my fingertips.  While the Black Berry was completely functional and has survived more than its fair share of abuse, it felt like the AOL of mobile devices.  Fine for […]

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4 Feb

Paint.Net 3.0

I have been using Paint.Net for years.  Paint.Net is a YAIE (Yet Another Image Editor) Windows application.  It is free and beats the heck out of anything you get baked in to your OS.  It is much easier to use than Photoshop and did I mention it’s free? I love the origins of this application; It […]

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2 Feb

Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas by Mary Lynn Manns

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Patterns aren’t just for software development.  In fact, any tool that one can repeatedly apply to effectively solve a recurring problem can be termed a pattern.  This book effectively describes tried and proven patterns for introducing new ideas to an organization.  Although it may seem formulaic, remember that successful formulas are the point of the book. Driving positive organizational […]

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2 Feb

The Elegant RSS Feed

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My feed was broken, but now it’s fixed! After the move to Word Press,  I monkeyed around with several skins before landing on the one that Elegant Code now sports.  I played around with this one a lot, but neglected to pay attention to the RSS feed link.  I have been running off of Feed […]

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28 Jan

Radiant Days: A Novel by Michael FitzGerald

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There are books that I am distinctly unqualified to review.  Who am I to express an opinion on The Iliad, or a Hemingway novel, or A Confederacy of Dunces?  Although I read a lot, I don’t always read well.  Spy novels, technical books, popular history, management fodder, and sniper books are my common fare and it is […]

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