15 Mar

Code Cast 5 – Matt Milner

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This week’s Elegant Code Cast is an interview with Matt Milner of PluralSight and MSDN Magazine. Matt is an amazing presenter and fount of knowledge on WCF, WF, and BizTalk. He drops some great knowledge on these subjects and enterprise SOA, along with some discussion of Oslo, Microsoft’s new Model Driven initiative. PluralSight Matt’s Blog […]

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15 Mar

Entity Framework Blogroll

For anyone who’s looking for more info on the Entity Framework, EDM, Astoria The Ado.Net Blog The Forum Danny Simmons Colin Meek Jaroslaw Kowalski Ju-Yi Kuo’s blog Alex James Zlatko Michailov OakLeaf Systems Andy Conrad (Astoria) Pablo Castro? (Astoria) Julie Lerman (EF, 3.5, Astoria, Silverlight, Blend) Mike Taulty? (EF, 3.5, Astoria, Silverlight, Blend)

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