28 Jan

The Entity Framework and the “The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly” exception.

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When you create an entity model, a few mapping files are created for you; namely .cdsl, .ssdl, and .msl.  Right about now you may be saying to yourself, I don’t see those files anywhere. That is because they are actually stored as a resource in the assembly you created your entity model.  When you create […]

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25 Jan

Calls to ReportExecutionService.Render() Hang

Given: One Windows Service, written in C#, using SQL Reporting Services via the SSRS web services.  MyApp.Service waits for work requests to come in, and when it finds them it uses SSRS to generate some PDFs (among a bunch of other stuff).  The Windows Service code is in one project, “myapp.service,” and the code that […]

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