24 Jan

Code Camp Server Project

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

I want to plug an ongoing open source project going on over at CodePlex, Code Camp Server. First of all, this is cool because it is being designed and managed as well as any software project can be. I have looked throught the code and it looks very clean. I wish all the code I […]

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23 Jan

Excellent Training Opportunity in the Boise Area

My employer is considering bringing PluralSight in to our location for an onsite training on WCF and Workflow. If you are unfamiliar with PluralSight, this is a group of world class trainers and their courses are considered some of the best in the industry. The particular course we are looking at is this one:http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/DoubleFeatureWCFWF.aspx This […]

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22 Jan

Biggest Presentation Compliment Ever, I Think

Last night I presented a 2 hour lecture / workshop on Scrum, Agile estimation techniques, and delivering in iterations to a group of college students. These folks are doing their final senior project for their CIS degrees at Boise State University and I was asked to provide an overview of iterative delivery techniques to guide […]

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19 Jan

MacBook Pro for a Windows Developer – Would I do it again?

I bought a top-of-the-line MacBook Pro about 5 months ago. The specs are in the original post describing my machine. I use this machine every day and travel with it. I develop with it, I do demos with it, I do all of this on Windows Vista 32 even though I have 4G of RAM […]

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16 Jan

MVC at Boise NetDug Tomorrow Night

Anyone in the Boise area can come out and get a taste of the new ASP.Net MVC framework from Microsoft. I will be doing an hour or so on the MVC framework at the local .Net users group. Following the MVC talk, Martin Danner will be doing an hour or so on the fresh new […]

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15 Jan


Category:UncategorizedTag: :4 Comments on Butters

I have the most awesome dog in the world. Butters is a fat little 10 month old English Bulldog. Poor little Butters also has occasional gastrointestinal distress issues. To put it frankly, she gets gassy after eating certain foods. In confirmation of this, I just received the following email from my wife. It is uncensored. […]

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